> Thought I'd mention that a couple weeks after the KR Gathering, Mt.
> Airport will be hosting a  Midwest LSA Expo.

If you fly in & out of MVN, watch out for the idiot(s) with the
ultralights who fly up and down the runways without talking or listening
on the radio.  I had to abort a takeoff in the evening because one of
these yahoos crossed right in front of me on the cross runway.  He had
not monitored my radio calls nor had he issued any of his own.  Nor did
he have any lights on.  Probably didn't even have a working radio on the
thing.  The ultralight gang there seem to treat MVN like their own
private cow pasture and most of the time I'm sure it bothers nobody since
normally there' s not much traffic.  That situation changes when there's
a Gathering or Fly-In of some sort.  So watch for 'em.  They're out of

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