>From Westach on their fuel air gauge.

See N64KR at http://KRBuilder.org <http://krbuilder.org/>  - Then click on
the pics 

See you at the 2009 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Ill

There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for Flying
has begun.

Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

From: Pete from Westach [mailto:west...@juno.com] 
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 2:02 PM
To: da...@windstream.net
Subject: Re: Air Fuel Ratio

Yes we can calibrate for wide band. 

Thank you
Westach / Westberg Mfg Inc
www.westach.com <http://www.westach.com/> 

Can this one be made in a wideband gauge... .2 to .8 is too narrow for
manual adjustment of the mixture. 


That is the only difference between them  one black the othe white faced.
Yes we have them in the 2 1/4 square aircraft mount  2A5-56 and 2A5-56W
And yes we do have the sensors  712-OS3

Thank you


Westach / Westberg Mfg Inc

www.westach.com <http://www.westach.com/> 

Other that a black or white face, what is the functional difference between

2C5-56 and 2C5-56W

Will you make it in a standard 2 ΒΌ instrument and do you also sell the

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