Well, I have now finished the re-build of my VW.  It is now a 2276 running
8.5 to 1 compression.  I hope to finish the installation today or tomorrow.
I did run into a little issue right at the end that some of you VW people
may have had to deal with and can shed some light on what needs to be done
about it.  

After I torqued the prop hub bolt to 80# as stated in the GPASC manual for
the force one hub, the holes in the bolt head did not line up with the holes
in the hub, for the cotter key.  I checked the manual and it says to "sand"
the washer down a little to get it to torque to the right place.  OK, so,
having access to a milling machine and knowing that sanding on a piece of
metal that hard, would only end up in bloody fingers, I took 2/1000 off the
washer and torqued it again, only to have gained a very little.  I needed to
get it turned around, one full "flat" on the bolt head, to get to where the
hole is.  So I did a rough calculation and figured that I would have to end
up taking 9.8/1000 off the washer to get it to where it needed to be, and
then if I screwed up and took off too much, then it would be another, almost
10/1000 to get it to the next flat, which would not have a hole in it

The point of all this rambling, is to say that this seems to be an
impossible task, which is why no one puts a cotter pin in a nut that has to
be torqued.  Either you need to back off the 80#, which would leave you with
a sloppy fit, or torque way more than 80# which would most likely break the
hub and still not get you there.  Not being able to come up with an answer,
I just put on  some Locktite, and torqued it back to 80#.

What have you other VW people, and I know you are still out there, done when
faced with this problem.  I can't believe that no one has seen the problem,
because the chances of its being right on, are very slim.  

My understanding of the purpose of this cotter pin, is to keep the bolt from
backing out, so  why then, was it not made with reverse thread.  That is
what I was instructed to do on my first VW engine, which was not a "force
one" hub, and it worked just fine.

Daniel R. Heath


See N64KR at  <http://krbuilder.org/> http://KRBuilder.org - Then click on
the pics 

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