I'm going to throw my 2 cents worth in on this since I had thought about a
tandem in my early stages. Besides what Langford has already mentioned you
have two other issues to contend with, one) to handle the CG you have to use
a wider wing chord, that means more drag and more importantly unknown flight
characteristics, I.E; CG issues. Two) although the KR2 and 2s wings provide
plenty of lift, because a tandem has CG issues to contend and you need a
wider chord to help with those, the amount of work needed didn't offset any
gains acquired. The weight and drag penalties from the design wouldn't make
it any better an airplane the KR2 already is.

I'm not saying it CAN'T be done, just more work than it is worth. Obviously
someone with aeronautical degree would have more luck with it than those of
us who don't. look at the RV4 and 8 and you can see it's possible but there
are far more RV6's flying than the former.

Just my two cents.

Fred Johnson
Reno, NV

Mark L wrote:

People are always cautioning against modifying the design and how much 
longer it will take to accomplish.  The tandem thing would be the ultimate 
shot to the head as far as time-to-complete is concerned.

Why not think about the Sonerai II, and get on with building, if you must 
have a tandem two-place?

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