Joe, I bought KR1 plans three years ago. then after joining the list, bought
KR2 plans as the KR1 plans are truly meant for one who is well versed in
airplane construction.

The Kr2 plans have more details and leave less head scratching. The details
are pretty much the same between the two airplanes just the sizes changed.

Hope that helps?

Fred Johnson
Reno, NV

Joe wrote:

I purchased a set of KR-1 plans decades ago. 

What I would like to know is whether or not there is any value in purchasing
a new plans set?  Were there ever any updates, revisions, or changes?  My
set is fairly legible and what little material that is not I probably can
get from other builders.  I don't mind paying for a new set, I just wondered
if there is any additional data to be found in them.  I'm also considering
ordering a set of KR-2 plans for added reference although at this point I'm
leaning towards the single seater.

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