Hasn't anyone besides me noticed slightly more wear on the right tire
with our left-turning engines?  Or the opposite for right-turning
engines?  Until I came across the Deakin comment re the Bearcat wearing
out the tire on the opposite side from the direction of prop rotation, I
didn't have an explanation for my slightly uneven tire wear.  If the
prevailing winds at my home airport were opposite of what they are, then
I would have had _that_ for an explanation and not wondered about it any
more, but since it was still an open question in my mind - the penny
dropped when I read Deakin's comment about the Bearcat.  

My next mystery to solve is why good plugs go bad.  I thought I was going
to have to rebuild or replace my magneto a few months ago but the problem
of a rough running engine when on the mag only was completely solved by
replacing the plugs.  They only had a little over 100 hours on them and
looked almost like new after a bit of clean-up.  But one was bad.

Since I was replacing one set of plugs, I went ahead and replaced the
bottom set too.  Within a few hours of replacing the plugs, I happened to
check my electronic ignition by turning off the mag at idle to see if
there was any RPM drop or roughness.  There never has been.  But now
there was.  So again, I was thinking of everything but the plugs in
considering the possible culprit causing my engine to miss when running
on just the electronic ignition.  The plug wires are 22 years old, as are
the coils, so I was already replacing these components in my head when I
bought another new set of Champion G59C plugs ($5.50 each!) and put them
in, just so I could definitely rule out plugs.  The ones in the plane had
less than 20 hours on them, so plugs were at the bottom of my list of
suspects.  The new plugs, however, completely cured the problem, just as
it had when the mag started running rough.  

I knew an A&P years ago who attributed all engine problems to "plugs."  I
used to make fun of him.  Now that I'm older and wiser, I now understand
the man was a genius.   


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