Lately, I have really been "down in the dumps".  You would think  that I
would be "flying high" having resolved my engine issues and finally being
able to fly when I want to.  I have been flying 2 to 3 times a week for the
last several weeks, including this morning.  However, none of this really
brought this out of my depression, knowing that I most likely would not make
it to this years' Gathering due to being summoned to Jury Duty.  I was due
to report to the court house tomorrow morning and would find out sometime
during the day, what fate lay ahead of me.  So, I had to fill out the
paperwork and in reading it ( I only read the instructions as a last resort
), I saw that I was compelled to either call or go on line and put in my
"participant" number, which I did.

Then in a flash, I felt like I had won the lottery, and the weight of all
this depression was lifted from me.  I was excused and do not have to
report.  I will be able to fly to the Gathering again this year.

Larry, keep the weather gods on our side and I will see you a week from

Daniel R. Heath

See N64KR at  <> - Then click on
the pics 

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