> Subject: KR> Gathering report

> I just collected for the last hat and shirt sale and have sent the 
> closing financial report to Bob Lee for posting on the Gathering web 
> site.  
> Dana has hosted past Gathering as well as several recent RV fly-ins 
> so I think we're in good hands.  I just hope he has some pull with 
> the weather Gods when picking a date. :-)
> Larry Flesner

Thanks Larry.  Being a Certified Public Accountant with my own practice, I 
think what you will find is I'm a tickler for balancing to the penny.  I too, 
will be forwarding financial info to Bob, probably more detailed than 
needed....but that's just me:-)

As for the weather, someone did a dance this past year....seemed pretty good to 

Dana Overall 

1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY i39


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