I received this email from Garry Morgan, Morgan Aero Works.
Garry had a KR2S. called it a Joey2, then used similar design to make all 
Metal aircraft, check out his comments and web page, and be your own judge.

Hi there,
The Cougar made its first flight today, all is good a slight trim  change to 
the wing, the motor runs cold, one person she climbs at 1200fpm, i didnt 
stall it today ,but the buffet starts at 40kts clean, usally the stall is 
10kts under this, and with flap 30kts, approach speed today i made it 50kts, 
rounded out at 40-45,and with no weight in it it floated a little, and a 
very slow touch down. At cruise speed 130kts at 3000rpm and the motor will 
go past 3200rpm full power. ne brake is a little soft but we are working on 
this, but a very nice aircraft to fly.and very good low speed handling.
Garry Morgan

Phil Matheson
SAAA Ch. 20  http://www.saaa20.org/

EMAIL:   phillipmathe...@bigpond.com
KR Web Page: www.philskr2.50megs.com

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