At 10:50 AM 1/3/2010, you wrote:
>Has anyone had any experiences with the B&C gear driven alternators for the
>C series Continentals, they would care to share?
>Rick Human

I've been running one for 350+ hours now on my 0-200 without a single 
problem.  It was used (several hundred hours or more) when I traded 
the full size alternator off the 0-200.  I had what he wanted and he 
had what I wanted so we made an even trade.  I think I have the 12 
amp model and it is quite adequate for my daytime VFR flying.  I'm 
running electric fuel pump(s), radio, GPS, and all electric 
instruments while keeping the battery charged, including the backup 
battery.  If I turn on my nav lights the charge rate goes to zero and 
with the landing lights on it shows a discharge.  I suspect that if I 
were to replace the nav lights with LED units I could run them 
continuos without a problem. Landing lights would be on for a short 
duration and wouldn't be a problem.  I've not done any night flying 
so can't advise you on that.  It will all depend on your electrical 
load.  The unit itself, and the regulator, seem to be very good 
quality although a bit pricy when purchased new.  If you have to buy 
the drive gear, it's out of site on price too.  Check the salvage 
yards for a good used one.

As always, your results may vary..........

Larry Flesner

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