A retired Col had a design with tubeing in the main spar and a universal joint.
Remove the WAF bolts ( 4 or 8 ), pull outtward, rotate the trailing edge up,
take the tip to the rear,put the leading edge in a cradle at the tail, Virg

--- On Tue, 1/12/10, Robin Russo <patru...@myfairpoint.net> wrote:

From: Robin Russo <patru...@myfairpoint.net>
Subject: Re: KR> Folding Wing Design
To: "KRnet" <kr...@mylist.net>
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 6:37 AM

I have been using the 8 bolts per wing as called for by RR. I was not aware 
that anyone was using a thru bolt and spacer . I have built three KR's and 
several other planes the old way and now I am designing my own plane using 
some of the KR technology but wish to change all those things that have 
nagged me for the past 30 years. I live in North Eastern Vermont (NE USA)and 
the weather and lack of hanger space had me taking wings off more than I 
cared to do. I am determined that my latest project will have folding wings 
that take only minutes to fold.
PS How did my wifes name Robin get on the mail list?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phillip Matheson" <phillipmathe...@bigpond.com>
To: "KRnet" <kr...@mylist.net>
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 11:05 PM
Subject: Re: KR> Folding Wing Design

> There has got to be an easier and
> fail safe way to do this......
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Robin
> I do not understand your comment on removing all the WAF bolts?
> You only need to remove 4 bolts( normal removal of a KR wing ( Or 8 it you
> use the RR single bolt per hole idea)
> In Aust CASA did not like that idea, we use a single WAF through bolt with 
> a
> thick wall 4130 spacer between the WAF's and locked up tight.
> Contact if you like.
> Phil Matheson
> SAAA Ch. 20  http://www.saaa20.org/
> Australia
> EMAIL:   phillipmathe...@bigpond.com
> KR Web Page: www.philskr2.50megs.com
> -------------------------------------------

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