Larry Knox wrote:

> ...can anyone give
> me a fairly accurate fuel burn at 75% on a Corvair that is a 110 HP 
> version
> that is supposed to have been set up for 120 Horse power.

It'll burn about 7 gal/hr on takeoff or otherwise wide open, and with 
reasonable throttle setting and  leaning will drop to around 3.5 gal/hr 
cruise.  The efficiency of the plane determines how fast you'll be going in 
cruise, but 130 mph is a pretty safe bet.  Mine will do 160 mph true 
airspeed burning 3.8 gallons or so, if that's a clue. 10.5 gallons per side 
is a pretty nice number.  I only carry 15.5 gal total, and I can make over 
500 miles if I'm not in a big hurry and throttle back a tad.

For a lot more info on the performance of a KR running a Corvair (both 
2700cc and 3100cc) see .  That 
first chart stinks because it was made on first flights where the EIS was 
all "jiggly", so I need to replace that and generally update that whole 
page, but there's some pretty solid info on that page...

Mark Langford

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