Darren is correct Mike, you need to be rolling glass around at 45 degree 
angles. When I have built Rutan designs, all sharp corner layups are with uni 
running at 45 degree angles and or bid running at 45 degree angles. Just turn 
and cut your bid so it rolls over corners at a 45 degree angle.
Larry Howell

PS: I have made some 90 degree bends like you are talking about in small areas 
before, but you have to have extra unwetted glass cloth to tape down away from 
your layup area or weight it down with something or you have to just stay with 
it until the resin begins to setup. Meaning you have to just keep it pulled 
down, stippling etc until it setsup to the point that you do not have to watch 
it any longer. This way is a real pain. Remember the fibers are strongest in 
straight lines, that is why it does not want to bend/kink in a 90 degree bend 

From: MICHAEL SYLVESTER <shagste...@hotmail.com>
To: KRNET <kr...@mylist.net>
Sent: Thu, May 6, 2010 10:21:03 PM
Subject: KR> 90 degrees

One more question.. If I'm having trouble with glassing a 90 degree bend, how 
am I going to glass the aileron spar that is more than 90 degrees ?

Mike Sylvester 
kr2s builder 

Cell no.205-966-3854

The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with 
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