Hey Guys,
        Before you get carried away please remember that Mark Lankford was 
flying with clipped wings and I don't believe that he is adding anything to the 
designed length of the wings. He is just bring them to the original designed 
length. I'm just happy he is making the needed repairs to the plane. Hanger 
rash is a terrible disease and really should be federally funded.
Joe Horton

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: "Virgil N. Salisbury" <virg...@bellsouth.net>
To: KRnet <kr...@mylist.net>
Subject: Re: KR> Dihedral
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 09:53:50 -0400

   R R ALWAYS said not to increase the wing length. The
   spar is designed for just what you have, no more, Virg

   The Leonards wrote:
> Mark
> Interesting to read about your wing extensions.  I am wondering what
> you are doing about the extra bending moment and shear they will create.  
> If my calculations are correct (assuming no increase in your AUW, 1200lbs)
> Your Bending moment will go from 68,000 inch pounds to 93,500 inch pounds.
> And the shear will go from 1858lbs to 2180lbs.  From your e-mail below it
> also sounds like you're increasing the AUW.  If so then these figures will
> increase even further.  
> Eg if you increase the AUW to 1300lbs (an extra)100lbs the BM goes to 101350
> inch pounds and shear to 2362lbs
> You must be careful with wing extensions as they increase the bending moment
> at the wing root significantly.  Also consider the extra load it will put on
> the wing attachment fittings.
> I'm curious to know if you plan on beefing up the spar or wing attach
> fittings.
> Regards
> Peter Leonard
> Brisbane, Australia

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