Or we have wing tips pre-fabbed available. 

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: "Mark Langford" <n5...@hiwaay.net>
Sender: krnet-bounces+n925sg=cox....@mylist.net
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2010 22:21:36 
To: KRnet<kr...@mylist.net>
Reply-To: KRnet <kr...@mylist.net>
Subject: Re: KR> Hoerner tips

Mike Sylvester wrote:

> Mark, I like sunsets as much as everybody else but I had really rather see 
> a picture of those longer wings.  I'm interested in the tips. Are they 
> like Jones's or more like the Horner tips?

Mine are pure Hoerner tips, best I can tell.  Jones appears to have done a 
better job of reading the KR manual and done them from the get-go.  That 
being said, when I did mine I was in too much of a hurry to spend a few 
hours and do the research to see exactly what that means.  So I sortof 
kindof did a Hoerner tip, and then nicely rounded all the edges, which 
killed the effectiveness completely, I now know.  To do a Hoerner tip, glue 
a chunk of foam on the end of the wing and contour the top and bottom to 
match the adjacent airfoil.  Glass it or carbon fiber it, and with a square 
end on it (perpendicular to the ground).  Then take a hacksaw or something 
similar and starting at either the front or the rear, and using the top edge 
of the airfoil cut about a 60 degree angle (measured from vertical) inward 
towards the fuselage using the upper "corner" as a guide.

http://www.n56ml.com/wingtips/100629071m.jpg comes pretty close to telling 
the whole story.  Note that the outer edge of the wing is parallel to the 
centerline of the fuselage.  That's what eluded me 10 years ago.  Viewed 
from the top you'd never know it was anything but squared off.  The theory 
is that you can radius the bottom a little, but the top has to be a sharp 
corner so the air can't turn that sharp cornerand turn inward into a vortex, 
which would be a drag producer.  I need to tuft that tip and show the 
results.  Probably a lot better than previously.  Good point though, 
regarding sunsets.    I took several hundred pictures of the wingtip 
process, but flying and taking sunset pictures is a lot more fun and 
relaxing that creating web pages.  That's something else I've learned in the 
last five years.  Sorry about that....

Mark Langford
N56ML "at" hiwaay.net
website at http://www.N56ML.com

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