> MAN!!!!! I got a chance to fly an RV-8 yesterday. It felt as 
> can be, Easy and responsive. I have yet to be able 
to fly a KR2. Can 
> anyone tell me how the KR compares to the RV 
in its flight characteristics?
> Thanks.
> See 
y'all at the Gathering!--
> Glenn Martin
> KR2 

Glenn, having spent some hours in both KRs and RVs I do think you need to take 
a couple things into comparison.  The RV is a much heavier airplane than the KR 
which gives it a little more stable feel in cruise and rough conditions.  The 
pitch in a standard KR-2S is a little lighter, the pitch in a stock KR-2 is 
even a little bit more light but both airplanes are finger tip flying 
airplanes.  Point them where you want them to go, don't try and coheres either 
of these airplanes, they don't need heavy inputs.  From what I have seen the 
roll characteristics of these two airplanes is quite different.  Remember, the 
airframe of all RV's are built pretty much alike so the flight characteristics 
in roll are pretty reliable between airplanes, pitch can be different due to 
weight, CG etc.  The RV roll rate is quicker in my experience than a KR, 
whatever the reason is, I don't know but the coordination between elevator and 
aileron in an RV feel pretty much the same.  You can see a half deflection roll 
rate of my RV-7 in this video:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLWjPt2gpR0

A loop and roll taken from a video camera:


I know several people on this list have some RV time,ie., Dan, so I'm sure they 
will chime in.   

Two weeks and counting for the gathering!!!!

Dana Overall 

1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY i39

RV-7 slider "Black Magic" 
Flying..well sorta, useta, kinda
Barrett Precision O 360 A1A
Hartzell C2YR-1BFP/F7497-2 

do not archive 

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