Jim Morehead wrote...

I'm running a Revmaster engine in my KR.  I have a volt meter but no
ammeter. When I run engine a 3000 RPMs it charges 16.5 volts. I don't want
to boil the water out of my battery.  
Does anyone else using the Revmaster set up have any trouble with it.  If so
what is your solution?
Jim Morehead

Voltmeters show the voltage level in the system, not necessarily the charge
rate to the battery. A standard 12 volt battery in a fully charged state
actually produces 1.2 volts per cell or about 13.2 volts total. If the load
on the system is higher than the battery will put out in a static state, the
charging system will make up the difference and you may (emphasis on may)
see total system voltage in excess of 13.2 volts. My car typically runs at
about 14 t0 14.5 volts on the gauge and the battery I am currently running
is 5 years old, passes all of the basic condition tests (specific gravity of
the electrolyte, charge rate via amp meter, charge status via amp meter,
etc.). If you are really concerned with it, hang an ammeter on it to see how
the charging system is performing. It  doesn't make any difference what kind
of engine you have in your car/plane/bike/boat or whatever... all the motor
does is turn an electical power generator at a given RPM... the charging /
electrical system really has nothing to do with the motor itself be it a
rotary (Mazda), Corvair, VW, Continental or whatever. 

Mark W

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