I personally am using using the west system. One of the things to remember is, 
when mixing micro balloons, the more micro balloons the easier to sand and it 
will weigh less. 

Robert Pesak 

Hermitage, Tn. 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "rick newton" <newtonr...@hotmail.com> 
To: kr...@mylist.net 
Sent: Tuesday, October 5, 2010 10:19:36 PM 
Subject: KR> Need help on the best Epoxy to use with micro balloons. 

Hi, I?m a new pilot and a new KR owner;   
I live near Houston TX and wanted a inexpensive airplane both to build and to 
opperate. I just picked up a project that was started in 1974.I bought this Kr 
1 (almost completed project) that is in amazingly good shape. It's all there, 
motor, prop, gages, canopy and everything is done except the finish. 
My little plane needs body work!, I called around to aircraft supply houses and 
couldn't get any clear guidance on the latest improved bonding agents with 
filler.  I read the article on "micro balloons" and how to do the bodywork but 
again wasn't clear on the epoxy to use. 

Would someone who know this kind of stuff give me some direction and a resource 
to get? Please enlighten me. I would love to call someone and ask questions 
about body work i.e. adding more layers of fiber etc.... Anyone in Texas also 
would be good. :) 
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