I did a whois search on thier URL

Approach Systems
      1387 North 430 East
      Orem, Utah 84057
      United States

From: Mark Langford <n5...@hiwaay.net>
To: Corvair engines for homebuilt aircraft <corvaircr...@mylist.net>; KRnet 
Cc: Approach Systems <sa...@approach-systems.com>
Sent: Fri, October 15, 2010 7:21:59 PM
Subject: KR> problem with Approach Systems / APIC software folks


Some of you may remember my comments from a few weeks ago regarding Approach 
Systems and their APIC software.  I bought an APIC Pro update from them ten 
weeks ago, and have made 10 email attempts to get the "license key" that would 
enable me to run it.  Suspecting that maybe my email address was being caught 
their spam filter, I used my work address also, which rarely sees the internet 
world, and therefore is almost certainly not caught as spam.  I,ve tried 
calling, but their phone answering system is simply "shunted to ground"...they 
say leave a message, but never give you the chance to do so.  A fellow 
CorvAircrafter emailed them regarding a future purchase, and he got a reply 
them a couple of hours later.  Knowing that his email was getting through, I 
asked him to forward my message to the president of the company...he did... 
still no reply from them (and it's not in MY spam filter either).  

So.....I'm pretty sure they just took my money and don't care to bother with 
unless they're irritated with me for some other reason.  Admittedly we're only 
talking $20 here, but it's the principle of the thing, and I really do like the 
sotware and need the update.  I have a much older free version, but it's 

So this is a warning to those of you considering buying this software that I 
wouldn't exactly recommend their tech or sales support, and it sure looks to me 
as though they've closed up shop, but left the money-making machine 
buyers' expense!  Perhaps  if several  of you  forwarded  this message to 
sa...@approach-systems.com , maybe they'd notice.  I like the software, but I 
can't use it without a license key.


Mark Langford
N56ML "at" hiwaay.net
website at http://www.N56ML.com 
Order Confirmation Approach Systems

Mark Langford,
Thanks for shopping with us today!
The following are the details of your order.
Order Number: 4869
Date Ordered: Tuesday 03 August, 2010


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