
I have a standard KR-2 project for sale.  This is a great start on a build
for not a lot of cash. 

The Good - 

1.      The boat is assembled.  

2.      Spars and tail frame is built.  

3.      Prefabricated components include canopy frame, wings tips, forward
deck/ instrument panel, and turtle deck.  I may be even talked into letting
the buyer build their tail skins in our facility using our molds to sweeten
the deal.

4.      Canopy - A small part of the flange is damaged but will be cut off
anyway during the installation.  

5.      Miscellaneous parts included some WAF's, aileron control brackets,
home brew dual stick assembly, wheels and mechanical brakes on the original
retract gear.

6.      Dual rudder pedals.

The Bad - 

1.      The project sat in a garage for quite awhile so is a little dirty.

2.      The builder did really nice work on the spruce.  Something was lost
in translation on the fuselage skin and it was not installed correctly.  It
should be removed and new skin installed.  The builder used birch.  I have a
little mahogany I can throw in but not enough to do all of it.

3.      I would pull the tail and remove the existing glass work.  It seems
they used Dynel and it has some hangar rash.  Our "U-Build" tail skins would
take care of that problem.

4.      Complete plans and builders manual.

I am going to let someone get a great deal so they can build their own time
machine as inexpensively as possible.  The whole enchilada for only $1500.
You can't even begin to touch the materials for that price. Must be picked
up at our facility in Corona, CA.  

Please email me direct with questions or interests.  If you are just kicking
tires please do not waste my time as I don't have enough of it as it is. 

Steve Glover

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