----- Original Message ----- 
rom: "Mark Goldman" <bitshif...@gmail.com> 
o: kr...@mylist.net 
ubject: KR> About to start a KR2S build 
I'm about to start a build in the Westminster MD area.  I'm interested 
n what people think have been good modifications to make.  Things 
ike is it worth giving the plane some extra stretch, larger/smaller 
ontrol surfaces, etc. 
Just remember that with every change decision you make a trickle effect takes 
action.  As example.  If you go with the Rod end bearings for hinges at the 
tail surfaces you will need to set the elevator spar back 1/8" more to make 
room for them.  Thus doing so you will need to move the Horizontal Stabilizer 
forward on the fuselage 1/2" or so to make room for the Elevator horn.  ( I did 
not now having to make clearance for it ) Just do lots of reasearch of each 
decision.  Happy Building, I really enjoy it.
Steve Phillabaum
Shorter, Alabama

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