Just did a final(?) W & B before registering and hopefully flying the first
of my two, now allocated the rego 19 - 7814 . However.    When we put the
wings on (for the first time in over 6 months) we noticed about 1 inch play
vertical at each wing tip .  Fore and aft play seemed to be much less, to
the point that it wasn't noticeable..

I presume that some vertical play is necessary and a result of being able to
fit the wing bolts, but how much is too much? Is there a spec? Couldn't see
one in the one manual which came with my two 'planes ..... Would appreciate
advice ....

And if I have to reduce the play, does anyone have any recommendations



Martin Pearce

- KR2 with Subaru EA81 + KR2 S with GMH Saturn

- Both in my garage, neither registered or flying in Au ---yet!


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