Hey Guys,This may ramble a little but try to follow along. First off I see I 
won the best firewall foreward. Cool - thank you. All the other award winners 
-- Congratulations- I noticed that Larry F. had flying rock stars sign the back 
of his seat (like Paul P. )A great idea but The way I see it is you guys that 
finished your KR's and won one of the awards from any of the years before or in 
the future are the ones that need to be autographing. I will be asking people 
to sign the back of my seat in 357CJ. Your my heros.    I had a great trip even 
though i had to cut it short. I packed the fuel tanks full for the flight in 
both directions and made it easily without a stop. The plane and  the engine 
performed flawlessly and for the first time I was wishing for some xm music to 
listen to.The total trip was 735 straight line each way total 1470 statue 
milesfuel going west was 23.2 gals with a 3-10 mph head wind for 3/4 of the 
trip. I took off an hour and 10 min before sunrise and logged some night time. 
Awesome sunrise from start to finish. most of the time was 8500 to 10500. Total 
time in route was 5 hrs 10 min.Fuel going east was 19.2 gal with about 2/3 of 
the trip with a tail wind in the 20 mph range. the last hour was into a head 
wind again of about 15mph so it don't all work out. Most of the trip was 
between 13,500 and 15,500 and then some. The total time in route was 4 hours 
and 20 min. Total miles                          1470
Total fuel                                 42.4Total hours                      
          9.5Average fuel burn                     4.46 gphAverage miles per 
gal.           34.67Average ground speed          154.74 mph   I was covering 
ground pretty fast across Ohio and just south of Pittsburg I tuned the radio to 
my home airport which is where i started my decent from 15,500. I heard a guy 
call into the pattern at UKT. I glanced down and breifly thought about calling 
my decent into the pattern --- Experimenal 357Charlie Juleit, 165miles west, 
decending through 15,500 will be entering downwind 29er, full stop -- Ok maybe 
it was just funny to me and the O2 wasn't set high enough.Thanks to everyone- 
proud to call all friends,and now I'm home sick,How many days till the next 
one,Joe Horton,Coopersburg, Pa.  
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
From: Brad Stone <bstone2...@yahoo.com>
To: K Rnet kr...@mylist.net

Hated I missed the banquet, but had a sweet 4 hour flight home on Saturday.
Brad Stone 
Madison, Ms.
60-Year-Old Mom Looks 27
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