Today, I got the issue with the engine cutting off, resolved.  Adjusting the
idle mixture setting, made a distinct difference.  The engine now runs very
smooth at all throttle settings and idles very well.  I would have flown her
after that was resolved, but, one of our RV guys strongly recommended that I
get some stick time before taking her up and, then, offered to give me that
time.  So I got to fly one of the finest RV6 anywhere doing all tasks like a
Bi-annual review, except for the  landing.  These RV guys at my airport are
very interested in seeing this KR back in the air with the Corvair on it and
everyone is very complimentary of it and the way it sounds.

If I get as good a day tomorrow, like we had today, she will take to the
air.  I can't wait to be able to give you that report.

See N64KR at  <> - Then click on
the pics 

See you at the 2011 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN

There is a time for building and it never seems to end.

Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

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