Ever since I built my KR I have always had reservations about carrying adults 
as passengers due to the total weight of myself and a heavy passenger. I have 
taken my kids many times in the past and never had any problems with them. 
Tonight I was persuaded to carry an adult up for a ride in the KR. Between me 
and him there was 450 lbs of flesh in the cockpit and I had ten gallons of fuel 
on board and an outside them of 61 degrees.The take off run was of course 
longer than usual. I rotated at 85 and she left the runway. During climb out I 
kept the airspeed at 100 mph. The climb rate was indicating about 550 feet per 
minute. Much lower than when I fly solo. We continued to climb to 3500'. When 
we leveled off, the plane flew just as it does when I am flying solo. The 
biggest difference was the feeling of being cramped in the cockpit with an 
adult in there with me. After thirty minutes of enjoying the flight we returned 
for landing. I kept the airspeed up a little higher than normal and brought her 
on down for a fairly decent landing. I must admit id did not grease her in as I 
normally do. At about a foot off the pavement I kind of dropped her in for a 
nice firm landing. I thought I did pretty good with the extra weight in the 
plane. So for those of you wondering about KR performance, it will do just 
about anything you ask it to do. Who's next?

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Stevens Point, WI
E-mail: flyk...@charter.net
Web: www.flykr2s.com

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