I spent 1500 hours over 8 years building (would have been 5 except for two  
military deployments). I documented the building time on a log as I went so 
I'm  very confident in the hours.  Mine is pretty simple and close to 
plans, not  many modifications. Pretty simple interior, no flaps, and I 
and  installed a used VW engine. Single fuel tank in the header. Things 
that added  more time was that I scratch built the wings, aft deck and front 
deck.  Cowling was purchased from RR. Paint job I did myself (and it  shows).  
She flies great and has been tons of fun. Flew again Friday  night, 
Saturday the rain keep me on the ground.

Rob Schmitt
_www.robert7721.com_ (http://www.robert7721.com) 

From: Dave Anderson <usaf_da...@yahoo.com>
Subject: KR> Build  hours
To: "kr...@mylist.net" <kr...@mylist.net>
Message-ID:  <8c3aba7f-1457-463c-9e52-372b4f210...@yahoo.com>
Content-Type:  text/plain;    charset=us-ascii

Would some of you who have  completed a KR-2s share your build hours 
please?  Please add if you did any  extensive modifications.   Thanks!


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