My way of thinking is, if the plane is built, and correct to plans, make 
sure you balance to the forward CoG. If you balance plane with you and full 
fuel, then without fuel for an exercise then see where the balance point is.
Best is if you can work it out by the W&B calculation set by the specs on 
the plans, you should be able to get the same answer.

You never know, maybe a battery repositioned to the outer firewall may be 
enough if the battery is else where.

Looking for the easy fix is not always the best option. You could be looking 
for a problem that does not exist. If the plane fly's, handles well, lands 
easy and you have been happy to date, then not a problem.

We all like to play with our machines, I have to stop myself and remember, 
if it is not broken, then don't fix it.

In my case, I will need to loss weight from my gut. 10 to 15kg will make a 
better flying machine for me.

My thoughts anyway.

Brian Deveson
Bundy Aust.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "james ellison" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 11:23 AM
Subject: KR> RE: KR fire wall

With all the talk about the KR's stability and the CG.

I have been thinking about adding inch or so to the firewall.
I have seen KR's with 2 in. blocks between the firewall and the
 engine mount.

Any comments ?

  Jim Ellison

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