Dave Robbins:

I enjoyed the short article very much about your stop out east. We are all 
living it in our dreams through your experience of actually doing it. Thanks 
for sharing your experience & letting us "fly along" with you.

Question: I know your flying a VW, what size & config do you have & what would 
you say your average power setting & cruise speed has been thus far? (I'm 
assuming from the article your about 750 lbs?)
Thanks again

Ron Eason Jr

> Message: 6
> Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 09:49:38 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Prototype Mech <prototypem...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: KR> around the country
> To: K Rnet <kr...@mylist.net
> I left Maine yesterday afternoon after brake maintenance.  I had a great time 
> up there and got to meet Kip and his slick kr2.  Im alittle jealous of the 
> speed he can get out of his.    After a 5.7 hour nonstop flight, i ended up 
> in Chesapeake, Virginia to visit with my sister for a few days.  Then ill be 
> off to Florida.  So far, my kr2 has been happily puting along with out any 
> problems.
> Dave Robins

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