"AND NOW THE REST OF THE STORY" At the 2012 KR Gathering, you honored me with 
best paint, Best KR, & People's Choice Awards. I am very humbled by this and i 
appreciate all the votes & comments about how nice the KR (Russ's Baby) is. I 
told some of you just parts of the story of its history. It was not possiable 
to tell the whole story in a few minites after recieving the acclimation of the 
"Best KR and the 2012 Gathering. But now "The Rest of the Story" Construction 
began in 1973/74 after talking with Ken Rand and purchasing probably one of the 
first sets of KR-2 plans. 3 yrs later, June 1977, it was ready to fly. FAAsign 
off, A/W Certificate in hand, every nut and bolt in place, sitting on the end 
of a grass fieli in Greenville, Pa. N8227 was borne. What a joy it was to fly 
an aircraft that I built myself. I was 32 years old at the time, but God had 
other plans for my life. I went through a divorce, partly due to all the 
atttention & priority that I put on N8227. I parked the A/C and re-located in 
Springfield, MO in Aug 1977. My priorities had to change. Now i had the 
pleasure of raising my 2 wonderful children Dale age 6 and Dawn age 5 and 
starting a new business on a shoestring. Backing up a little bit to 1968, I 
made a decision to accept "Jesus Christ" as my Lord and Savior and was "born 
again" and surrendeded to whatever SHis will would be in my life, whatever that 
might be. I struggled with finances, emotions, and the business and there was 
just no time left over for the KR. SU re-married and Vivian became the mother 
of my children and did a wonderful job of being a wife and mother as I 
struggled wigh the business. As the kids grew and time went on I would get out 
N8227 "fire it up" and reminisce a little about just how great this litt A/C 
was and how much it changed my life. In 1987, I had a thriving business, a 
wonderfful wife and two great children. So I started to work on the KR again. 
Not wanting to make the same mistake again, I slowed down the re-build process 
and tried to gey my priorities straight. It was a complete rebuild fron the top 
longerons up, gull wing doors,rear window, new engine,instrements, 
panel,starter, Diehl Accessory case, new paint, ect. When i had the striping 
done, Vivian went behind my back and had the guy put "Russ's Baby" on the tail 
of N8227 thus "Russ's Baby" was born. I went to the 1992 KR Gathering in 
Covington, TN to show off my new A/C and even though it was not a "flying" A/C 
it was voted "Peoples Choice" award. I went home thinking I would be flying in 
a short time, but God had other plans. Vivian had a stroke so i had to 
rearrange my priorities again. Another stroke in '95 and again in '97 and a 
fatal strokke on Labor Day 1999. Meanwhile the KR Waited. I remarried in 2000 
to another wonderful lady, Becky. Things were going along great, business was 
doing well, kids were married and on thier own and having childeren of thier 
own. In 2011, the KR Gathering at MVN was coming up and Becky and I attended 
bnd I was inspired to finish and fly "Russ's Baby" once again. The work began 
and one year later "Russ's Baby" had new Diehl wing skins, new outer spars, new 
carb and intake system and was ready to go. On Labor Day 9-3-12 "Russ's Baby" 
flew again exactly 13 yrs to the day after Vivian's fatal stroke and 35 yrs 
since its last flight. When Larry F gave special honor to the spouses at the 
2012 Gathering I so much appreciated Becky for all her support. And to Vivian 
for naming my KR "Russ'S Baby". Every KR builder has someone special that has 
supported them and belived in them that they can do it. Through God's help and 
the talents that he alone can give. We must always remember that He can also 
take them away. I appreciate every vote that was made for "Peoples Choice 2010" 
But, "Russ's Baby" already had that honor in 1992, so I felt it needed to be 
passed on to someone more deserving than me. I am so thankful that Steve was 
able to walk away from his beautiful KR-1 in ABQ with no injury. God was with 
him and kept him safe for a purpose that we know not yet. I really believe that 
God puts us in a particular place, at a particular time, for a particular 
purpose, and thet is to "do His will" We as pilots take calculated risks. We 
weigh the weather, A/C performance, flight conditions, physical limitations and 
experience before every flight and accept those risks. Every time we push that 
throttle forward we know not what lies ahaea. (takeoff is optional but landing 
is mandatory) So lest use out talents that God gave us to build "Safety" into 
out little airplanes. I washumbled deeply by the awards showered on "Russ's 
Baby" God gives each one of us talents that we can use for His Glory. May God 
bless each KR builder and flyer out there so we can go forthe and do "His Will" 
to further the cause of Christ and to honor the memory of Ken Rand and his 
great inspiration and impact on our lives. And now you know "The Rest of the 
Story" Russ Barnett Ozark, MO

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