Bob Goodnight wrote:

> I recently purchased a once flying KR2 project, I have noticed that there
> are several areas that have several small areas on the elevator and rudder
> that have delaminated, the areas are about the size of a quarter.
> I had someone look at it and he stated it was ok but wanted to get other
> opinions.

I have lots of those on N891JF (see enclosed photo). They are apparently harmless, as I routinely dive this thing right up to the 200 MPH true airspeed maximum allowed (Vne). The KR manual doesn't specify whether TAS or IAS, but by definition, it's TAS that matters....the actual speed of the plane through air, not what the airspeed indicator shows, which varies considerably from sea level to the highest altitudes we fly at. See enclosed photo.

Mark Langford
Huntsville, AL

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