Totally concur. Cataract surgery, both eyes, followed by Fuchs Dystrophy, DMEK both eyes (partial Cornea implants). The years slide by. Even though the FAA says I'm good to go with 20/20 both eyes, I know better. The rest of me has timed out.

Sid Wood
ex-Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
California, MD, USA

-----Original Message----- From: Mark Langford
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2022 1:17 PM
To: Flesner via KRnet
Subject: Re: KRnet> check this one out

Larry Flesner wrote:

Where has this one been hiding?

I've seen that plane before....flew down to his strip in Mississippi to
visit and see his Skymaster-like KR.   Gene lived near Mobile before
that, and he and his son came to a KR Gathering where he showed us a
model of what he was building.  I have a picture back on one of the
Gathering pages of him and the model, and I'm surprised he never
finished it, because it was certainly getting there when I saw it.  He
was building it on his farm, and had his own 16' wide asphalt runway,
which I successfully landed N56ML on!

The moral of his story (and so many others), is to finish building the
damn plane, because you are one failed medical away from not being able
to fly anymore! pusher, one puller, think Skymaster.

Mark Langford
Huntsville, AL
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