A Comair regional airliner tried take off from the wrong runway at LEXINGTON, 
Only the co-pilot barely survived.

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From: Flesner via KRnet
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2022 11:08 AM
To: krnet@list.krnet.org
Cc: Flesner
Subject: Re: KRnet> Operating handbook

On 7/24/2022 11:39 PM, kiwi faulkner via KRnet wrote:
"pre takeoff, align with runway ...  " 

         🤣☝️     Love it

In Louisville, Kentucky several years ago a regional airliner took off on the 
wrong runway (too short) and killed all on board.  Flying a taildragger with 
somewhat limited forward visibility I find it safer to taxi from the hold short 
line and stop on the runway to verify runway alignment than to make a rolling 
turn for takeoff.  Until the tail comes up it is easier for me to note any 
drift or change in direction than to determine proper direction in a rolling 
turn.  My KR is stable in direction, even at full power, until the tail comes 
up but at that point I can see over the nose.  I considered it important enough 
to include as a checklist item although I never read my checklist at that 
point.  Someone else may be lucky enough to fly my bird someday and it's simply 
my advise to them. 😁
Larry Flesner

KRnet mailing list

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