> "Since higher proportions of ethanol involve blending E85 and regular 87 aki 
> gas, the cost per gallon is significantly lower than regular 87 aki gas in 
> California. It is not intuitive, since ethanol has lower energy than 
> gasoline."
I have travelled across the country many times by car and unmistakably noticed 
my mileage distinctly decreased by using ethanol containing gas.  Once you hit 
the midwest there's no choice.  Here in California it's bad enough that we have 
as much as 8% ethanol even in Chevron Supreme (the only gas I use if 

Based on my experience along with what I've read over the years, there's not 
any doubt that ethanol decreases efficiency in at least my combustion engines.  
I assume my engines are similar to everyone else's.  Could be wrong.  From all 
the data I've ever read, it seems abundantly clear ethanol is a huge scam 
perpetrated upon the American public in order to subsidize farmers who should 
be using America's rich farmland for growing quality crops instead of ethanol.  
And not alfalfa.  Alfalfa is about the highest - perhaps the highest - water 
intensive crop that can be grown, this in light of the U.S.'s increasing water 
shortage, both in the West and the midwest (where they are draining their 
aquifers down to the bottom).  

If only I could be king I would straighten these unfortunate situations out . . 
. .

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