On 11/3/2023 8:18 AM, Myron Freeman via KRnet wrote:
Hi Larry.
Do you have any idea what we used to pay for these plans. I haven't looked for my receipt yet.


I don't recall and other will have a more accurate estimate but It seems to me the plans sold in the general $200 to $250 range. I'd think a complete set of plans with all the templates would be worth at least 50% of that. Setting a price on anything like plans and parts is strictly a personal decision.  I priced my KR at a very reasonable price and passed on hundreds of dollars of parts and hardware at no cost to the new "kid" making his first airplane purchase.  It found a new hangared home and is flown regular and appreciated.   Probably the best way to determine a price is to ask "what will my estate sell it for"?  Observation of Life, "the older I get the more conscious I become of reality."

Larry Flesner

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