Thank you all for your comments. Larry, thank you for coming to the defense of 
a piece that we put together to help celebrate our 50th anniversary. Like Larry 
said, we reached out to every builder, either through the KRnet or direct 
contact to those whose emails I could find. Many builders responded and 
submitted their own info, others I found from articles they published on the 
net. Believe me, I was too busy to be making things up. If I made mistakes, it 
was probably in sorting through the piles of information that I had 
accumulated. The nice thing about this project is that I can always go back and 
edit it and post a new update... simply email me with the correction. What a 
wonderful world we live in when we opt to communicate and graduate... 
    On Thursday, August 29, 2024 at 10:09:41 PM CDT, ml.simmons--- via KRnet 
<> wrote:  
 This was a fantastic presentation - even if there are some nits (they can 
always be sorted), this should be included with the nomination submittal to EAA 
lifetime award for Ken and Stu- How could EAA turn the nomination down?

-- Mike Simmons 

    On Thursday, August 29, 2024 at 06:58:39 PM PDT, Larry Flesner via KRnet 
<> wrote:  

 All that nitpicking, and not a one of you bothered to post a link so the
 rest of us out here enjoying the comments could actually go see what 
you all were bickering about.

Todd Thelin

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