On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 8:59 AM, Rijie Song <rijie.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for response, Tim.
> 1. What network driver are you using?  kubenet?  CNI + flannel?  CNI +
> weave?  CNI + calico?
> CNI+flannel.

I don't have first-hand up-to-date flannel notes...

> flannel pod output on this particular node:
> [root@k8s manifests]# kubectl logs -f po/kube-flannel-ds-bn66x -n
> kube-system -c kube-flannel
> I0424 06:33:46.210053       1 kube.go:109] Waiting 10m0s for node controller
> to sync
> I0424 06:33:46.210339       1 kube.go:289] starting kube subnet manager
> I0424 06:33:47.218505       1 kube.go:116] Node controller sync successful
> I0424 06:33:47.218556       1 main.go:132] Installing signal handlers
> I0424 06:33:47.218656       1 manager.go:136] Determining IP address of
> default interface
> I0424 06:33:47.219642       1 manager.go:149] Using interface with name
> ens160 and address
> I0424 06:33:47.219673       1 manager.go:166] Defaulting external address to
> interface address (
> I0424 06:33:47.517408       1 ipmasq.go:47] Adding iptables rule: -s
> -d -j RETURN
> I0424 06:33:47.524679       1 ipmasq.go:47] Adding iptables rule: -s
> ! -d -j MASQUERADE
> I0424 06:33:47.530320       1 ipmasq.go:47] Adding iptables rule: ! -s
> I0424 06:33:47.535263       1 manager.go:250] Lease acquired:
> I0424 06:33:47.536092       1 network.go:58] Watching for L3 misses
> I0424 06:33:47.536117       1 network.go:66] Watching for new subnet leases
> 2. What is your Service cluster IP range?
>  - --service-cluster-ip-range=
> 3. Can you ping from the pod to its own Node IP?
> Yes.
> [root@tulip-saas-xnode-2720274701-3fmqd /]# ping
> PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.108 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.076 ms
> 4. Can you ping from the pod to a different Node IP?
> No.

can you ping from a pod to a different pod on the other node?

> [root@tulip-saas-xnode-2720274701-3fmqd /]# ping
> PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
> ^C
> On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 11:20 PM, 'Tim Hockin' via Kubernetes user
> discussion and Q&A <kubernetes-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> What network driver are you using?  kubenet?  CNI + flannel?  CNI +
>> weave?  CNI + calico?
>> What is your Service cluster IP range?
>> Can you ping from the pod to its own Node IP?
>> Can you ping from the pod to a different Node IP?
>> On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 6:29 AM, Roger Song <rijie.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > Kindly help me review this issue. Thanks!
>> >
>> > [ Description ]
>> >
>> > I am newbie to k8s, recently setup k8s cluster on top of CentOS 7.3 with
>> > kubeadm 1.6.1.
>> >
>> > Master: k8s
>> > Minions: host01, host02, host03
>> >
>> > In one of pods(po/tulip-saas-xnode), I tried to make connection from pod
>> > to
>> > external rds service( That's the reason I setup
>> > service&endpoint "tulip-saas-db2" manually, as follows:
>> > ===========
>> > # kubectl get service tulip-saas-db2 -o yaml
>> > apiVersion: v1
>> > kind: Service
>> > metadata:
>> >   creationTimestamp: 2017-04-24T07:46:10Z
>> >   name: tulip-saas-db2
>> >   namespace: default
>> >   resourceVersion: "905529"
>> >   selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/services/tulip-saas-db2
>> >   uid: 153b3520-28c2-11e7-a272-000c29235036
>> > spec:
>> >   clusterIP:
>> >   ports:
>> >   - port: 3306
>> >     protocol: TCP
>> >     targetPort: 3306
>> >   sessionAffinity: None
>> >   type: ClusterIP
>> > status:
>> >   loadBalancer: {}
>> >
>> > # kubectl get endpoints tulip-saas-db2 -o yaml
>> > apiVersion: v1
>> > kind: Endpoints
>> > metadata:
>> >   creationTimestamp: 2017-04-24T07:46:10Z
>> >   name: tulip-saas-db2
>> >   namespace: default
>> >   resourceVersion: "905533"
>> >   selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/endpoints/tulip-saas-db2
>> >   uid: 15552d0d-28c2-11e7-a272-000c29235036
>> > subsets:
>> > - addresses:
>> >   - ip:
>> >   ports:
>> >   - port: 3306
>> >     protocol: TCP
>> >
>> > ==========
>> >
>> >
>> > I'm able to connect to the port in host02 OS via cluster IP.
>> > ==========
>> > [root@host02 .kube]# iptables-save | grep tulip-saas-db2
>> > -A KUBE-SEP-TS2EMOGZXA7V27BD -s -m comment --comment
>> > "default/tulip-saas-db2:" -j KUBE-MARK-MASQ
>> > -A KUBE-SEP-TS2EMOGZXA7V27BD -p tcp -m comment --comment
>> > "default/tulip-saas-db2:" -m tcp -j DNAT --to-destination
>> >
>> > -A KUBE-SERVICES ! -s -d -p tcp -m
>> > comment
>> > --comment "default/tulip-saas-db2: cluster IP" -m tcp --dport 3306 -j
>> > -A KUBE-SERVICES -d -p tcp -m comment --comment
>> > "default/tulip-saas-db2: cluster IP" -m tcp --dport 3306 -j
>> > -A KUBE-SVC-ASAFJW2B6372ZEVA -m comment --comment
>> > "default/tulip-saas-db2:"
>> > [root@host02 .kube]# telnet 3306
>> > Trying
>> > Connected to
>> > Escape character is '^]'.
>> > =====
>> >
>> > The pod is running on host02
>> > ====
>> > # kubectl get pod --all-namespaces -o wide | grep tulip
>> > default       tulip-saas-xnode-3216045024-ctctp            1/1
>> > Running
>> > 1          8h     host02.corp.mooit.net
>> > ====
>> >
>> > Inside the pod, service name can be resolved. However, I'm not able to
>> > connect to the port.
>> > ===
>> > [root@tulip-saas-xnode-3216045024-ctctp /]# nslookup tulip-saas-db2
>> > Server:
>> > Address:
>> >
>> > Name: tulip-saas-db2.default.svc.cluster.local
>> > Address:
>> >
>> > [root@tulip-saas-xnode-3216045024-ctctp /]# telnet tulip-saas-db2 3306
>> > Trying
>> > ^C
>> > ===
>> >
>> > kube-proxy logs in host02 doesn't give any message. I tried to delete
>> > the
>> > pod, and let DS create it again, no lucky. No remarkable messages in
>> > /var/log/message.
>> > ======
>> > [root@k8s manifests]# kubectl logs -f po/kube-proxy-p279k -n kube-system
>> > I0424 12:37:24.220402       1 server.go:225] Using iptables Proxier.
>> > I0424 12:37:24.301205       1 server.go:249] Tearing down userspace
>> > rules.
>> > I0424 12:37:24.433983       1 conntrack.go:81] Set sysctl
>> > 'net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_max' to 131072
>> > I0424 12:37:24.435683       1 conntrack.go:66] Setting conntrack
>> > hashsize to
>> > 32768
>> > I0424 12:37:24.436164       1 conntrack.go:81] Set sysctl
>> > 'net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_established' to 86400
>> > I0424 12:37:24.436217       1 conntrack.go:81] Set sysctl
>> > 'net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_close_wait' to 3600
>> > =======
>> >
>> > I tried to follow
>> >
>> > https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/debug-application-cluster/debug-service/,
>> > but failed to understand in which layer the problem takes place.
>> > firewalld
>> > is disabled in all nodes.
>> >
>> > Had tried some RBAC stuff for kube-proxy account referring to
>> > https://github.com/uruddarraju/kubernetes-rbac-policies
>> >
>> >
>> > [ env ]
>> > # kubeadm version
>> > kubeadm version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"6", GitVersion:"v1.6.1",
>> > GitCommit:"b0b7a323cc5a4a2019b2e9520c21c7830b7f708e",
>> > GitTreeState:"clean",
>> > BuildDate:"2017-04-03T20:33:27Z", GoVersion:"go1.7.5", Compiler:"gc",
>> > Platform:"linux/amd64"}
>> >
>> > # kubectl get all --all-namespaces
>> > NAMESPACE     NAME                                            READY
>> > default       po/busybox                                      1/1
>> > Running   1          3h
>> > default       po/http-svc-zzj1q                               1/1
>> > Running   1          4d
>> > default       po/nginx-deployment-4234284026-04wb3            1/1
>> > Running   2          3d
>> > default       po/nginx-deployment-4234284026-pdvml            1/1
>> > Running   1          3d
>> > default       po/tulip-saas-xnode-3216045024-ctctp            1/1
>> > Running   1          8h
>> > kube-system   po/default-http-backend-2198840601-7wdbk        1/1
>> > Running   2          4d
>> > kube-system   po/etcd-k8s.corp.mooit.net                      1/1
>> > Running   11         7d
>> > kube-system   po/kube-apiserver-k8s.corp.mooit.net            1/1
>> > Running   6          6d
>> > kube-system   po/kube-controller-manager-k8s.corp.mooit.net   1/1
>> > Running   13         7d
>> > kube-system   po/kube-dns-3913472980-mtml5                    3/3
>> > Running   96         7d
>> > kube-system   po/kube-flannel-ds-57crg                        2/2
>> > Running   7          7d
>> > kube-system   po/kube-flannel-ds-bn66x                        2/2
>> > Running   4          7d
>> > kube-system   po/kube-flannel-ds-wxj4d                        2/2
>> > Running   3          7d
>> > kube-system   po/kube-flannel-ds-xk9wh                        2/2
>> > Running   56         7d
>> > kube-system   po/kube-proxy-mp6xr                             1/1
>> > Running   10         7d
>> > kube-system   po/kube-proxy-p279k                             1/1
>> > Running   0          7m
>> > kube-system   po/kube-proxy-qqdvd                             1/1
>> > Running   2          7d
>> > kube-system   po/kube-proxy-vjmnw                             1/1
>> > Running   1          7d
>> > kube-system   po/kube-scheduler-k8s.corp.mooit.net            1/1
>> > Running   13         7d
>> > kube-system   po/kubernetes-dashboard-915795657-wf3fp         1/1
>> > Running   2          6d
>> > kube-system   po/nginx-ingress-lb-0q6n8                       1/1
>> > Running   1          2d
>> > kube-system   po/nginx-ingress-lb-20km8                       1/1
>> > Running   2          2d
>> > kube-system   po/nginx-ingress-lb-fk7nd                       1/1
>> > Running   1          2d
>> > kube-system   po/nginx-ingress-lb-q0z4c                       1/1
>> > Running   1          2d
>> >
>> > default     rc/http-svc   1         1         1         4d
>> >
>> > NAMESPACE     NAME                       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP
>> > PORT(S)         AGE
>> > default       svc/http-svc        <nodes>
>> > 80:30301/TCP    4d
>> > default       svc/kubernetes           <none>
>> > 443/TCP         7d
>> > default       svc/nginx-svc        <nodes>
>> > 80:30302/TCP    3d
>> > default       svc/tulip-saas-db2   <none>
>> > 3306/TCP        5h
>> > default       svc/tulip-saas-xnode   <nodes>
>> > 80:30189/TCP    1d
>> > kube-system   svc/default-http-backend      <none>
>> > 80/TCP          4d
>> > kube-system   svc/kube-dns            <none>
>> > 53/UDP,53/TCP   7d
>> > kube-system   svc/kubernetes-dashboard    <nodes>
>> > 80:32416/TCP    7d
>> >
>> > NAMESPACE     NAME                          DESIRED   CURRENT
>> > default       deploy/nginx-deployment       2         2         2
>> > 2           3d
>> > default       deploy/tulip-saas-xnode       1         1         1
>> > 1           8h
>> > kube-system   deploy/default-http-backend   1         1         1
>> > 1           4d
>> > kube-system   deploy/kube-dns               1         1         1
>> > 1           7d
>> > kube-system   deploy/kubernetes-dashboard   1         1         1
>> > 1           7d
>> >
>> > NAMESPACE     NAME                                 DESIRED   CURRENT
>> > READY
>> > AGE
>> > default       rs/nginx-deployment-4234284026       2         2         2
>> > 3d
>> > default       rs/tulip-saas-xnode-3216045024       1         1         1
>> > 8h
>> > kube-system   rs/default-http-backend-2198840601   1         1         1
>> > 4d
>> > kube-system   rs/kube-dns-3913472980               1         1         1
>> > 7d
>> > kube-system   rs/kubernetes-dashboard-915795657    1         1         1
>> > 6d
>> > [root@k8s manifests]# kubectl get ds --all-namespaces
>> > AVAILABLE   NODE-SELECTOR                   AGE
>> > kube-system   kube-flannel-ds    4         4         4         4
>> > 4           beta.kubernetes.io/arch=amd64   7d
>> > kube-system   kube-proxy         4         4         4         4
>> > 4           <none>                          7d
>> > kube-system   nginx-ingress-lb   4         4         4         4
>> > 4           <none>                          2d
>> >
>> > # kubectl get ing --all-namespaces
>> > NAMESPACE     NAME               HOSTS                 ADDRESS
>> > PORTS     AGE
>> > default       ng                 k8s.corp.mooit.net
>> > 80, 443   3d
>> > default       test-http          k8s.corp.mooit.net
>> > 80, 443   3d
>> > default       tulip-saas-xnode   xnode.svr.mooit.net
>> > 80, 443   1d
>> > kube-system   dashboard          k8s.corp.mooit.net
>> > 80, 443   3d
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
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> --
> Regards
> Rijie Song
> --
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