On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 7:56 PM, David Rosenstrauch <dar...@darose.net> wrote:
> Hi.  I'm having some issues migrating an (admittedly somewhat
> unconventional) existing system to a containerized environment (k8s) and was
> hoping someone might have some pointers on how I might be able to work
> around them.
> A major portion of the system is implemented using what basically are
> micro-services conceptually.  I'm in the process of porting each
> micro-service to a pod (eventually to be replicated), and then exposing the
> micro-service externally to other processes outside of the Kubernetes
> overlay network.  Although it's been quite easy to create containers/pods
> out of each micro-service and get them to run successfully on Kubernetes,
> I'm running into issues with the networking configuration, specifically with
> respect to how to expose these services properly to the outside world.
> The problem is that the way the system is currently built (out of my control
> - depends on idiosyncrasies of a piece of 3rd party software) these
> micro-services have to operate more like "pets" than "cattle". That is, even
> if there's multiple instances of a particular micro-service running, client
> code needs to be able to access a specific instance (pod), rather than just
> any instance.  This is obviously different from the way most micro-service
> systems work, where each individual instance is pretty much identical to any
> other, so you can expose the service to the external network using a load
> balancer. Because of this issue, it's been proving to be a bit non-trivial
> to make this migration work correctly.

This is not THAT uncommon.  The typical answer is to create a Service
per Pod.  Obviously this doesn't scale very well if you have hundreds
of replicas, but if you have a small (and stable) number of pods that
each need a public IP, this works.

You can do it with either a NodePort or a LoadBalancer, but you need
to set up different labels on each pod, so it's not fully automated.

> What I've been trying to do is find a way for *each* of these individual
> instances of a micro-service to get assigned a public ip/port, rather than
> just assigning one single public ip/port that points to a load balancer in
> front of them.  But I don't see any way to do this properly in Kubernetes.
> * I tried exposing the pods externally using NodePort.  However that doesn't
> accomplish what I'm looking for.  Although it does open a public port on
> each host, each of those public ports just points to a single load balancer
> in front of the service's pods, rather than to the individual pods.
> * I tried exposing the pods externally using HostPort.  That does work, and
> comes closest to accomplishing what I'm looking for.  But it has the major
> drawback of not being able to run more than one instance of the same pod on
> the same host machine (since each instance wants to listen on the same
> port).  As a result, if I want to run N instances of the same pod, I need to
> have N host machines.  This is not ideal from a scalability / hardware
> utilization (and cost) perspective.
> I guess ideally what I'd be looking for is some way for each pod that got
> launched to automatically get assigned a unique external hostname/port
> combo, with multiple instances of the same pod able to run on a single host,
> all while ensuring no port conflicts.  E.g.:
> service_A_pod1 exposed at
> service_A_pod2 exposed at
> service_A_pod3 exposed at
> etc.

If you need this to be elastic, you might want a custom controller, or
it might be something StatefulSet could handle.

> I've read through the docs pretty thoroughly, though, and Kubernetes doesn't
> seem to provide anything like this.
> Has anyone run into a similar problem like this before and/or any ideas how
> to solve this?  Might there be any 3rd party add-ons to k8s that might help
> address a situation like this?  (On a related note, we're using k8s in
> conjunction with Rancher.  Might Rancher provide some capabilities here?  I
> didn't see anything in the Rancher docs, but it's possible I could have
> missed something.)  Or does Kubernetes have any hooks to allow you "roll
> your own" service deployment plugin, in order to customize the way external
> port exposure is done?

You can always do this.  All the built-in controllers are just clients
of the Kubernetes API.  It's pretty easy to write your own to do
whatever you need.

> Another possible way for me to work around this problem is that I could
> probably eliminate the "pets" constraint I'm bumping up against if I were
> able to run the pods behind a customized Service/load balancer that was a
> bit smarter about which specific pod instance it routed traffic to.  So same
> question about Kubernetes Services:  any hooks to "roll your own" service?
> From what I can glean from the documentation, k8s services only provide 2
> types of routing to pods:  round robin, or client-ip-based SessionAffinity.
> But is there any way to add custom routing algorithms?
> On a side note, it's occurred to me that if I'm running into such
> difficulties trying to fit this system into Kubernetes' architecture, then
> there's an argument to be made that perhaps it doesn't make sense to run
> these services using k8s.  However, I think there's many aspects of
> containerization that do apply well to this system (it does already have a
> microservice design) and there's many features of Kubernetes that this
> system would do well to take advantage of.  (E.g., running multiple copies
> of services without caring on which host, services being more resilient and
> automatically moving to other hosts on failure, etc.)  So I very much would
> like to try to find a way to make the migration of this system to k8s
> successful.

I don't think you're too far out of the norm.  You might need some
custom logic, but a lot of legacy cases will need that.

> Apologies for being long winded, and thanks in advance for any assistance
> anyone might be able to offer.
> DR
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