
I am setting up some servers in an offline environment, and am downloading 
some tensorflow images for use on these offline servers. 
The kubernetes cluster has been set up, and we have verified that the pods 
can be allocated to the various worker nodes. 

The issue now here is this - typically I use on the internet computer

docker save mycontainername >  myimage.tar 

and then on the offline server

docker load < myimage.tar 

For the most part this has worked when we run the pod on kubernetes. 
However, now we are trying to make commits to the container on the internet 
So now, 

docker commit CONTAINER_ID mycontainername2

followed by: 

docker save mycontainername2 > myimage2.tar

on the offline server:

docker load < myimage2.tar

In this case, kubernetes fails to load the pod that launches the docker 
container. We keep seeing crashloop as soon as the pod is launched.  The 
difference is the container image in the second case had 1 commit. 

What could be the issue here? Could someone versed in docker/kubernetes help us 
out here? 



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