I see what you want to do with passing java arguments to the Kubernetes Pod 

I had the same problem described here:

Did you have any success resolving the problem of passing java arguments to 
a Kubernetes Pod service?

Please let me know.

On Tuesday, June 27, 2017 at 6:20:40 PM UTC-4, bal...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi all
> We are trying to add docker logging options to our kubernetes deployments 
> for log rolling e.g --log-opt max-size=10m
> For example if we ran something like this directly using docker
> docker run -it --log-opt max-size=10m --log-opt max-file=2 image-name
> We can use docker inspect to see those options added to the LogConfig e.g
> "LogConfig": {
>                 "Type": "json-file",
>                 "Config": {
>                     "max-file": "2",
>                     "max-size": "10m"
>                 }
>             },
> Here is what we have defined in our deployment:
> containers:
>       - image: ourlocalrepo/deployments/our_pod:latest
>         command:
>         - java
>         - -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom
>         - -Dlog4j.configurationFile=/etc/logs-config/log4j2.xml
>         - -Xms128m
>         - -Xmx256m
>         - -jar 
>        env:
>           - name: POD_NAME
>             valueFrom:
>               fieldRef:
>                 fieldPath: metadata.name
>           - name: POD_NAMESPACE
>             valueFrom:
>               fieldRef:
>                 fieldPath: metadata.namespace
> imagePullPolicy: Always
>         name: "our_pod"
>         ports:
>         - containerPort: 80
>           protocol: TCP
>         args:
>         - "--log-opt max-size=10m"
>         - "--log-opt max-file=2"
> But when this deployment is run and the pod comes up on a node i can use 
> docker inspect and see that these args are added to Cmd:
> "Cmd": [
>                 "--log-opt max-size=10m",
>                 "--log-opt max-file=2"
>             ],
> Instead of the LogConfig section as they should be - it still looks like 
> this :
> "LogConfig": {
>                 "Type": "json-file",
>                 "Config": {}
>             },
> Can anyone point me the right direction to get the kubernetes deployment 
> to add these log options?
> thanks!!

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