Hi everyone,
I've managed to setup a 5 node cluster, 2 masters, 3 workers. using the "roll 
your own" instructions here:


I can run pods np but dns is not functional. As per the documentation, One 
method is to setup a cluster DNS service:


All fine and dandy, while I realise its the job of the add-on manager to kick 
start the pod that project provides, I have been firing it up manually, in the 
interests of debugging

kubectl create -f kube-dns.yaml

Everything is created successfully, and eventually the deployment "spawns" a 
pod, and the pod the containers etc... however the kube-dns ALWAYS fails with 
this error:

"Failed to create a kubernetes client: open 

I understand that this is kubernetes providing a token to the container, but 
whay I dont get is why it cannot be found.

Especially when it appears the required secrets are in existence:

bddcbpkbn1:~ # kubectl get serviceaccounts -n kube-system
default    2         13d
kube-dns   2         29m
bddcbpkbn1:~ # kubectl get secrets -n kube-system
NAME                   TYPE                                  DATA      AGE
default-token-6wnx5    kubernetes.io/service-account-token   2         44m
default-token-94kww    kubernetes.io/service-account-token   2         46m
kube-dns-token-mnbg2   kubernetes.io/service-account-token   2         28m
kube-dns-token-wrs8h   kubernetes.io/service-account-token   2         26m
bddcbpkbn1:~ #

Can anyone offer any suggestions as to why this is failing, or how I can go 
about diagnosing the issue?

Thanks in advance

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