The World Economic Crisis May Persist - The world economic outlook which has been published recently
states that the world economic growth is slowing down. Some leading
countries such as the United States (US), Japan and Euro zone even also
report their economies as not as high as before. Their economies decrease
respectively from 3.2 percent, 1.8 percent, 2.9 percent in the past to 1.5
percent, 0.6 percent and 1.9 percent in 2001 projection.

Those decreasing economic trends will affect the developing countries
including Asia, a region suffering from shrinking export demand. The Asian
economies, which now are in the middle of recovery from economic crisis,
become very dependent on exports as a dominant factor to drive economic
growth. Because of those factors, economic growth in Asian countries is
projected to just 3.8 percent in 2001, or much lower than 8.2 percent in

The world economic contraction will also affect the labor sector. In the
developed countries, slower growth has made some industries reduce their
production and therefore also affect their employment. The higher inflation
rates in the developed countries also will reduce the real wages for labor.
So, the labor force will be the hardest-hit group in the developed countries
due to the economic contraction.

The possibility of the next economic crisis is therefore more relevant as it
may affect both developed and developing countries with higher unemployment
and inflation rates, currency depreciation and unfavorable records of
balanced of payments (BOP) for crisis.

Martin Manurung

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