> For archived messages at http://article.gmane.org/, you can append
> "/raw" to the URL to get an unprocessed copy of the message.

Thanks for the info, at first I didn't catch that "article.gmane.org" was
referring to as I read your post. So for other newbie's the kvm archive is at
http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.emulators.kvm.devel if you click
"direct" link at the bottom of the page you get a URL like:


If you now append /raw to that URL:


You'll get the "raw" email data and the @ signs are not converted to
<at>  <at>, but it still looks like they have processed email addresses
so they can't be harvested by spammers. So, for instance,
Eddie's email in the body of the message becomes:


I'm not sure this is always suitable for patching, but it does look like
it is processable by git-am.


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