Amit Shah wrote:

>On Saturday 11 August 2007 08:48:41 Tony Smolar wrote:
>>Hi,  I was currently using kvm-24, and I decided to try to upgrade to
>>the latest.
>>My guest is XP-SP2 Home full edition.    When I tried to boot it under
>>kvm-33,  I eventually got a blue screen and a IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error.
>>I removed 33, and installed kvm-26.    I was able to boot the VM
>>successfully with that.  So I guess this problem was introduced
>>somewhere between 27 and 33.   Is there a way to tweak the guest to get
>>around this problem?
>Does passing -no-acpi to qemu help?

I forgot to mention that I tried that,   it didn't make a difference.

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