Joris wrote:
> Hi,
> Please CC me, I'm not a subscriber to the list.
> I have a Debian unstable 64bit host on an intel S3000 quad core xeon
> X3210. Kernel 2.6.22-2-amd64 (debian flavour) and KVM28 and KVM36.
> Linux guests run very well.
> I installed Win2003 EE SP2 with --no-kvm, and disabled ACPI in the
> windows setup.
> Now I'm running this image with kvm -no-acpi -m 1024 -hda
> w2k3image.qcow2 -net nic,model=rtl8139 -net tap,vlan=0,ifname=tap3.
> (note I have KVM enabled at this point)
> This image works well half of the time (very responsive and no
> interruptions), but after some time it will completely freeze for a
> period of time (sometimes seconds, sometimes minutes it would seem).
> Both the network and the console are completely unresponsive.
> I can't see a pattern as to when it happens: sometimes the guest will
> work for 10 minutes without a hitch, sometimes I can't make it past
> the login screen.

Please try using 'taskset' to pin the VM to one cpu and report.

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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