Jared Greenwald wrote:
> On 9/26/07, Cam Macdonell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Jared Greenwald wrote:
>>> I'm trying to get a pre-built vmware image of Windows running on
>>> ubuntu 7.10.  I tried running qemu directly on the vmdk file, but that
>>> is extremely slow.  For example, it takes about a minute to get the
>>> context menu to come up when you right-click on the desktop.  I tried
>>> converting the vmdk to qcow, qcow2 and raw formats, but I get an error
>>> saying that the drive is not bootable.  I looked through the help
>>> pages and there is information about loading the kvm-intel module, but
>>> I'm getting the "not supported" error message.  I looked into updating
>>> the bios as this is usually pointed to as the cause and it appears I'm
>>> at the most recent version.
>> To be clear, are you running "modprobe kvm_intel" and it's returning
>> "not supported"?
>> Did you install kvm with apt-get?
> yes, I used this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM which says to:
> "apt-get install kvm qemu"

When do you get the "not supported" error?

Have you ever had KVM running with VMs other than this Windows one?

On another note, if you just want to run a VMware image, have you 
thought of
trying VMware Player?


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