> Hello,
> I have attached documentation for a segfault that happens on my system
> using kvm-45 but does not happen with kvm-44. I included what I
> thought was relevant.
> Using modules that were built during kernel build.
> I have gcc3.4 compatibility tools installed that are along side my
> distro's gcc4 setup. The gcc3.4 compat package came from a known good
> package build that was located my distro's main server ftp.
> This probably complicates the whole situation but I felt that it would
> be best to at least submit something in case I'm not the only one.
> Attached:
> My kernel config, make output (make > make.log 2>&1) ; modules info,
> /proc/cpuinfo, commands used to execute.
> Thanks for your time and for your work on the kvm tools.

Please generate a core ('ulimit -c unlimited' is usually needed) and a
backtrace with gdb, and post that.

Do not meddle in the internals of kernels, for they are subtle and quick to 

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