On Nov 7, 2007, at 3:06 AM, Avi Kivity wrote:

> Lynn Kerby wrote:
>> Hi KVM developers (and lurkers like myself).
>> Apologies in advance as this is probably not the right forum for  
>> this  question.
> It is certainly the right forum.

Good to know.  There doesn't seem to be a lot of "user" oriented info  
for KVM and I was wondering if I just couldn't find the forums or what.

>> I've had no success getting an SMP virtual machine running on my  
>> AMD  Athlon64 X2 server.  The base system is Ubuntu 7.10  
>> (recently  upgraded from 7.04) with a 2.6.22 kernel and I've tried  
>> kvm releases  49 & 50 with no success.  My memory of whether or  
>> not it worked  months ago with kvm-28 on the Ubuntu 2.6.20-16  
>> kernel is no longer  with me :-(.  The recent failures have all  
>> been BIOS problems at  rombios.c:10605.  I'm pretty sure I must  
>> have something wrong in my  environment and have spent entirely  
>> too much of my spare time trying  various things with no success.
> Yes you've been doing something wrong -- you should have reported  
> this quickly.  Worst case somebody would have pointed out something  
> trivial you're doing wrong and you'd have felt foolish for a bit.   
> But in this particular case...

I'd assumed (there's *that* word) that core developer types were  
using KVM on all kinds of hardware and that basics like this would  
have been shaken out.  I set up a few KVM virtual machines about 6  
months ago with the intent of migrating my mail server and some other  
functions to them but never quite got it working to my satisfaction.   
Now I've got major problems with the 10+ year old hardware (and  
software) with that system and it is becoming urgent.

>> Can someone that has actually has an SMP virtual machine running   
>> currently on an AMD processor (preferably a 64-bit guest) give me   
>> some details on the base system kernel, KVM related bits, and the   
>> guest OS?
> Turns out kvm smp on amd is broken.  I committed a fix for kvm-51,  
> and now I have FC6 running happily with two vcpus.
> If you see problems, please report them soon.  I'd rather have  
> noise on the list than problems going unreported.
> I'm attaching the patch which fixes the problem, let us know if it  
> helps or not (there may be more problems lurking).

Yes, that patch works nicely for me as does the kvm-51 release.


Lynn Kerby
San Martin, CA

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