
can someone give me an information regarding the cross compile ability of kvm 
(especially for qemu)? 
Which is the first version of kvm, which is considered to be able to cross 

I tried KVM-28, which failed totally to cross-compile and I used KVM-53, which 
already had better support to cross compile, but still is not perfect (makes 
some assumptions about the host system, e.g. sdl-config).
With some minor changes in the configure script for qemu I got kvm-53 cross 
compiled. Unfortunatly kvm-53 doesn't run wit the preemption patches for but this is another question for later...

Of course, it can be possible, that I do something totally wrong.

This is my configure call:
./configure --arch=i386 --cross-prefix=/opt/crosstool/i686-pentium-linux-gnu/\
gcc-3.4.3-glibc-2.3.3/bin/i686-pentium-linux-gnu- \
--kerneldir=/home/gerdko/thinkiod_work/linux --disable-vnc-tls \

you might ask, why I use a cross compiler for x86? Well, I want to use kvm on 
an embedded device, which doesn't have local gcc installed, so I need to 
compile everything on another host.


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