For some reason acpi refuses to start on a Fedora 8 guest. The dmesg
says at the very begining "no DMI BIOS year, acpi=force is required to
enable ACPI". I then put acpi=force on the command line and it
sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. What I mean by works is
sometimes it issues the acpi shutdown command and halts qemu and
sometimes I have to kill the process, and all I see on dmesg is
"Halting system...\nSystem halted." It seems like after I login to
gnome in the guest (and it starts allocating memory for gnome) then
open up a gnome-terminal and halt the guest it doesn't work but if I
don't go into X at all it works fine.... odd.

Software in Host:
kvm-53 linux- i686 and x86_64

Command line to start Guest:
qemu-system-x86_64 -net nic -net tap -m 512 -smp 2 fedora8.img

Software in Guest:
Standard updated Fedora 8 image.

- David Brown

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