On Wed, 2008-03-12 at 05:10 +0100, aGaTHoS wrote:
> CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+
> kvm version: 62
> kernel: 2.6.23-hardened-r7 (with gentoo standard and hardened patches, it is 
> anyway compiled without ssp and pie)
> arch: x86_64
> guest OS: various, windows XP and various linux livecds
> command line:
>  1 (windows) # kvm -hda /root/kvm/windows.img -m 192 -localtime -k es -net 
> nic -net tap,script=/etc/kvm/br1
>  2 (livecd f.e puppy) # kvm -hda /root/kvm/live.img -cdrom 
> /home/agathos/data/downloads/puppy-3.01-seamonkey.iso -boot d -name live -m 
> 192 -localtime -k es -std-vga -net nic -net tap,script=/etc/kvm/br1
> with -no-kvm : it crashes after entering command
> description of the bug:
>       I can remember the exact version since the problem occurs, but with the 
> last versions of kvm I have no mouse, it appears when starting windows or X 
> in linux and when I try to move it, simply deappears. I've also tried with 
> "-usb -usbdevice mouse" with the same result.

Can you bisec the kvm version that did work?

Besides that you can also try working with vmmouse.

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